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قديم 24-04-2018, 11:23 AM   #1
سحر علي
♠ فاطمية مبتدئة ♠
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2013
العمر: 36
المشاركات: 69
معدل تقييم المستوى: 14
سحر علي will become famous soon enoughسحر علي will become famous soon enough
افتراضي Special cars for the disabled

Travel and tourism

Special cars for the disabled

There are many cars for the disabled with a driver to help travel walk and see all cities in Turkey

Also we offer cars with mobile chairs in Istanbul for the various disabled

Can book with us car in which of the mobile chairs for the disabled has to walk in Istanbul

Excursions in Istanbul and Turkey tarabzon / fatiha / marmarus / Ankara / azmir and boursa

Cars with driver confident to help them

Note: for a good service we must give us the day of travel, rental and the number of person to have everything prepared

We will be happy to give you good services contact us to choose the types of car

Safar-Turkey is an international agency for all type of tourist reservation, hotel, and ticketing with special prices, for information contact us on the websites of our agency on Internet or in offices in all Arab countries

Web site
-تم حذف االبريد بواسطة الادارة _برجاء الالتزام بقوانين المنتديات مع الشكر _الادارة -
telephone fixe
Whats up/ viber/ tango

سحر علي غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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الفاطميات الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 (0 فاطمية و 1 زائرة )

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