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قديم 14-07-2017, 01:40 PM   #1
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2016
العمر: 33
المشاركات: 375
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
ناابي will become famous soon enoughناابي will become famous soon enough
افتراضي How to Sell Out Large Amounts of Bitcoin securely and instantly

The most common way to sell bitcoin is find an individual who need bitcoin and
sell him. This is direct sale to another person without any intermediary facilitation. This is good as long as it do not get any type of problem. But keep in mind, the individual is unregistered and strange person, so it may be lack of trust and base of any problem.

The Second way to sell bitcoin is direct trade with exchange company. There are a lot of companies and website dealing in the bitcoin. It is also bit risky to find a good company for bitcoin exchange. Keep in mind, MtGox.com was a big and professional bitcoin Exchange company providing services in japan as well as in all over the world. But it got bankrupt and all the people's money lost instantly. Now you can understand, that we are sincerely suggesting you a way while keeping you out of risk with priority.

One more option that you can convert your bitcoin to real cash, there are some marketplaces and websites, those offer their services, products online for bitcoin. They accept bitcoin as medium of money. So well, now you want to buy some games, software, electronics items, flight tickets, payment of school fee etc. You can find the merchant website that also accept bitcoin and then you can spend your bitcoins for the required product.

Bitcoinscashout.com is based in United kingdom and offering Bitcoin exchange services for other digital products. Well, it is more trusted and professional company with simple procedure to transfer to real cash in a soonest time. You can find multiple options to be get paid like Paypal, Western Union, Bank transfer, Credit Card, Perfect Money, Webmoney, Skrill, Payoneer, Payza, Neteller, instaforex, Solid Trust Pay, Money Gram and Okpay.

Bitcoinscashout.com is having 5 star feed back from more then 1000 real customers, it shows it legitimacy and service quality. I personally have very good experience with this website. Every thing displayed clearly, like you can see real time exchange rate, you can select amount of bitcoin that you want to exchange, then you can select method to be get paid, then you will send bitcoin to the provided wallet address. You will be displayed all information on the screen related to your screen for your confirmation. Once your bitcoin sent successfully, you will bet paid through an automatic system with in few second.

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