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قديم 05-05-2018, 08:44 AM   #1
تسويق بنات
๑♣ فاطمية نشيطة ♣๑
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2016
المشاركات: 511
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
تسويق بنات will become famous soon enoughتسويق بنات will become famous soon enough
افتراضي تطبيق Stickman Colors

Title: Stickman Colors: Stick Figure Color Switching Run

Short Description:Fun, mind teasing, thrilling &cool endless run stick figure stickman adventure

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Run, run, run! Join our Stickman friend on his endless running adventure! Help him last if possible and climb up the high-score ladder! <b>Stickman Colors</b>is a stick figure adventure game, a new take on the <b>infinite runner games</b>, that will test your brain skills & reflexes to the fullest!

Think it’s easy to keep on running? There are many obstacles you will need get through! Different colored walls will try to stop your endless run. To avoid them you need to change the color of the Stickman to match the one of the wall! To change the color, you press the button with the first letter of the color. Do not get confused by the color of the buttons! They’ll try to trick you!

Join the Stickman on this addictive adventure endless run, be as fast as you can in dodging the obstacles and see how far you can go! Complete as many missions as you can, unlock different stunning environments and level up your Stickman!
Improve your experience, upgrade your level with unlockable loot-boxes! Challenge your friends, climb up the ladder and get the highest scores!

✅Stunning 2D graphics
✅Challenging & addictive game play
✅Unlock fun & challenging stages
✅Explore the Stickman Colors world
✅Many environments to unlock
✅Intuitive game-controls
✅FREE sticky figures endless run to play
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Stop playing the same old same old sticky figures stickman running games.
Choose something new and fresh!
Download this Stickman arcade runner game today and start running! Don’t stop, just run and dodge the different obstacle walls that stand in your way!

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