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قديم 06-04-2017, 02:53 PM   #1
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2016
العمر: 33
المشاركات: 375
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
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افتراضي Article rewriter tool review



Get the full Article rewriter tool review at the link above. The updated version of spin rewriter 7.0 is now available at the link above

Article Rewriter Tool Review
With the advent of internet, article writing has become popular and income-generating. Since it yields profit, article rewriting became common among internet entrepreneurs
The release of Google’s Penguin update in 2012 made article rewriting difficult. Google has made it clear that web articles must have quality and content. This is article rewriter tool review is about Spin Rewriter.
In 2011, SmileyTech Solution’s Aaron Sustar released this article rewriter tool. It is a software that spins web based articles
Features of Spin Rewriter
• It uses Emulated Natural Language (ENL) that analyzes the whole meaning of the article rather than giving only synonyms of words or phrases
• Its Application Programming Interface (API) allows you to use it with other web based apps
• Its side-by-side comparison of spun and original text lets you view on how unique your new article is
• Its stock photo integration lets you add images in your article
• With its deep spinning feature, your article can have more variations
• It can do sentence and paragraph-level spinning
• It allows HTML formatting
• It supports all popular syntax styles
• It works well on all devices
• It has a series of deta video tutorials showing systematic navigation procedures
• With its paragraph creation feature, you can have new paragraphs
• Its list shuffle feature puts the elements of your article in order
• It disregards original words making your article new and different
• Its Copyscape integration ensures the originality of your articles
• It checks grammar and spelling to ensure that your article is of high quality and readability
• It counts words and characters in your article
• With its parallel processing, even non-geeks get to spin complex articles faster
• With its mass export feature, you can have different versions of your article to fill all your writing websites
• It lets you save your article for later use
• It allows automatic and manual spinning
• It does bulk article spinning
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