منتدى التجارة و التسوق - مشاريع تجارية - shopping - أنستغرام Instagram

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أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 03-04-2021, 06:04 PM   #1
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2017
العمر: 34
المشاركات: 4,661
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
المجد will become famous soon enoughالمجد will become famous soon enough
افتراضي Job Description Writing Workshop course in jordan , london ,cairo

Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course:

Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai

To contact us
website: www.almjd-hr.com
Emile: -تم حذف االبريد بواسطة الادارة _برجاء الالتزام بقوانين المنتديات مع الشكر _الادارة -
Mobile 00962795447255

Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages

The following Human Resources Management courses:
The Business of HR Competency -Based Management
Competencies – Design, Development and Implementation
Human Resources KPIs – Benchmarking HR Performance
Performance Management – Setting Objectives and Conducting Appraisals
Advanced Selection ,Interviewing and Recruitment Skills
HR Metrics and Analytics
Compensation and Benefits Administrator
Coaching for Success in the Oil and Gas Industry
Career Development and Succession Planning
Essential Skills for the HR Professional
Writing Effective Policies and Procedures
Continuous Employee Development and Empowerment
Organization and Workforce Planning
Managing and Coordinating Training
Professional Interviewing Skills
The Job Evaluation
HR Skills for HR Administrators
Learning for Oil and Gas Industries
Recruitment, Interviewing and Selection
Advanced Employee Relations
HR Administration Skills
HR Analytics – Concepts and Tools for Effective Decision -Making
Competency -Based Management
Leadership Bootcamp for HR Professionals
Leading Strategic HR Transformation
Effective Performance Review
Job Mastery and Performance
Strategic Human Resources Management
Human Resources Management
Auditing HR Processes
HR Leadership – Competencies for Exceptional Performance
Essential HR Practices for Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors
Measuring and Maximising Training ROI
Compensation and Benefits
Job Description Writing Workshop
Employee Relations – Roles and Responsibilities
Compensation and Benefits Management
promoting peace in society

website :www.almjd-hr.com

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