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قديم 20-06-2018, 07:41 AM   #1
♠ فاطمية مبتدئة ♠
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2017
العمر: 55
المشاركات: 90
معدل تقييم المستوى: 10
ylq123 will become famous soon enoughylq123 will become famous soon enough
افتراضي nts live in a mysterious dark ground.

nts live in a mysterious dark ground. They can walk like a spiderman on a vertical wall Carton Of Newports. They can use their tentacles to "talk". It's so much fun. I really want to be a small ant! I were a small ant, I would visit the silent family, join him in hide and seek, and tell him interesting stories. I want to ask him: "Why did you break into two parts and you can become two identical people? When did you grasp cloning?" I asked him: "Is there really five colors? What is the difference in the color of the earth's soil?" I also train him to find the oil that humans need. We will become best friends.I were a small ant, I would certainly carry food with my companions. But I will not do "coolies" like other ants, because I am an extraordinary ant! I want to invent a "transporter": Connect a piece of chewing gum and install a round fruit candy below Wholesale Cigarettes. When we turn candy, chewing gum is just like a conveyor belt, delivering food quickly to a storage bin. Our work will become happier and more fun!f I were a small ant, I would also like to stroll on the children's desk Buy Marlboro Cigarettes Online. Wow, the stationery box is as majestic as the Forbidden City Marlboro Red 100S, the dictionary is like a skyscraper, and the open homework on the desk is like Tiananmen Square. I looked up at the lamp, my neck was sour, and my hat fell. The little alarm clock seems to me to be as big as the "Earth Clock" that Pipiru broke Carton Of Cigarettes.
The jingle bell! The jingle bell ~~~~" Earth's bell suddenly growls. I must be God and find myself sitting at my desk. Ah, it turns out that I am not a small ant. I am still the head full of wonderful fantasy.
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