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قديم 15-04-2021, 06:30 PM   #1
fareda sleem
♠ فاطمية مبتدئة ♠
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2020
المشاركات: 16
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
fareda sleem will become famous soon enoughfareda sleem will become famous soon enough
02222255 The cheapest 190 m² apartment for sale with garden in Mountain View Icity

Book Your Unit in Mountain View iCity
Mountain View iCity is one of the greater projects in the Fifth Settlement, designed to serve a large segment of high-end customers. The Fifth Settlement location is near many important landmarks, while the compound itself is very quiet and serene.

Mountain View iCity Fifth Settlement Location
The compound’s location in New Cairo comes with many benefits, and it’s one of the project’s main reasons of success. These advantages include:

The American University is 15 minutes away.

Faces Rehab City directly and is about 7 minutes away from its entrance.

Close to Teseen St., the most important street in the Fifth Settlement.

It is adjacent to the upscale Hyde Park compound.

Close to Suez Road and Al Ain Sokhna Road.

Residing in this project means that you’ll be minutes away from all your favorite locations in Cairo. Being able to move anywhere with ease is just one of the many reasons this project became so successful.

All the services a resident may need is available inside iCity compound. The developer company recognizes that to attract a diverse customer base, they would need to provide different niche services and facilities, some of which include:

Charming views and scenery, with amble green spaces and a calm, serene atmosphere.

Jogging trails for the athletically-minded, with benches for those who like to read among nature.

The compound includes a club park and a central park to encourage the residents to participate in outdoor activities.

Restaurants and cafés are available in abundance, serving local and international cuisine.

Green areas scattered throughout the compound which helps give a peaceful atmosphere.

Swimming pools are equally distributed in the compound. They’re available in different shapes and sizes, and are suitable for people of all ages.

A large administrative building providing commercial services to the residents.

Around-the-clock security using the latest security measures and dedicated personnel.

A private school with a high standard of education.

Plenty of outdoor space for social activities, including barbecue parties and similar events.

A large number of malls and shopping centers, housing all your favorite brands and stores.

Medical centers with a high standard of care, equipped with up-to-date facilities and procedures.

Industrial fountains and water bodies make the compound a joyful place for a stroll.

Private garages for residents, to help prevent overcrowding and keep the parked cars off the streets.

A charming aesthetic and beautiful landscape that is visible from every unit.

Social Club with fully-equipped gyms, Jacuzzi, and other relaxation areas.

A children’s playground with various types of games and toys, which will surely keep the whole family entertained.

All of these services make life in the compound a dream come true for a large number of residents. Customers have flocked to get their little piece of heaven in this gorgeous compound.
fareda sleem غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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