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قديم 13-04-2021, 05:29 PM   #1
fareda sleem
♠ فاطمية مبتدئة ♠
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2020
المشاركات: 16
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
fareda sleem will become famous soon enoughfareda sleem will become famous soon enough
02222255 Book Your Unit Quickly in Swan Lake starting from 184 m²

The Extravagant Lifestyle is Within Reach with Swan Lake Residence
Swan Lake is a sensational project launched in the First Settlement by the well-known company Hassan Allam Holding. It’s a unique residential project spread over 107 acres and equipped with a large number of services, providing various amenities that enable its residents to live a comfortable life to the fullest.

Swan Lake Compound Location
An exceptional site was chosen to establish the project in the heart of the First Settlement, next to the finest neighborhoods of the region such as El-Banafseg and El-Yasmeen neighborhoods, because it was built facing Mustafa Kamel Axis. This vital area is close to many important landmarks, including:

The Ring road

Cairo-Suez Road

American University

Mirage City

JW Marriott Hotel

New Cairo

Egypt Petroleum petrol station

Unit Spaces in Swan Lake by Hassan Allam Holding
The compound covers 107 acres, with only 18% reserved for residential constructions. This low density of buildings ensures optimum privacy and lower pollution rates. The remaining 82% of the compound is for green areas, artificial lakes, facilities and recreational venues.

The residential units are available in different sizes to suit your needs and budget. They start at 220 square meters all the way to 662 square meters. The units are mainly standalone, and vary between villas, townhouses, and twin houses, many of which are equipped with picturesque lawns and private swimming pools.

Swan Lake Residence Services
The compound offers so many benefits that are hard to summarize. Nonetheless, you should get a pretty good idea from this list:

Picturesque landscape that features green spaces, parks, fountains, artificial lakes, and more. These views can be enjoyed from all the units.

Transportations are available in and out of the compound

A private parking garage for every residential building, which prevents vehicles from overcrowding the streets.

The compound is equipped with multiple playgrounds and recreational venues for children.

Designated walkways for walking, jogging, and cycling.

A social club, fully equipped for different types of sport.

A large medical central with high quality services, with professionals covering different specialties, as well as all the needed tools and devices.
fareda sleem غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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