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قديم 08-01-2018, 01:28 PM   #1
roz ramzy
♠ فاطمية مبتدئة ♠
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2017
المشاركات: 36
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
roz ramzy will become famous soon enoughroz ramzy will become famous soon enough
افتراضي • Understanding FIDIC’s Standard Form of Contract

مركز الخبرة الحديثة للتدريب والاستشارات
Modern Expert for Training & Consultation (METC)

يشرفنا نحن مركز الخبرة الحديثة للتدريب والإستشارات أن نقدم لسيادتكم أقوي الدورات التدريبية التي تؤهل سيادتكم لمواكبة متطلبات سوق العمل الحديثة ، كما يسعدنا أن نعلن لكم عن خطة المركز للعام 2018 في أقوي وأكثر المجالات التدريبية المختلفة :

(#دورات_مجال_القانون_2018 )


Arts and skills of litigation proceedings and defense in court
Preparation and drafting of FIDIC contracts

Developing the skills of counsels and Legal Affairs managers

Strategies and techniques of preparation and administration of contracts and reducing Financial and legal risks

Preparation and drafting of contracts and Distribution Agency

Technical preparation of legal advisers

Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the regulatory basis for the complete of contract process


Business and Commercial Law

Contract Management Techniques & Project Governance

FIDIC Contracts Management: practical application of FIDIC Contracts-workshop

The development of the legal and practical aspects of the legal advice

Bids evaluation strategies and differentiation between bids and contracting skills

The Guide for Understanding FIDIC Conditions of Contracts 1999


International contracts for contracting and the conflict of laws

Advanced Managing Contractual Claims

Construction Contracts Diploma (FIDIC)

Integrated program to prepare International trade arbitrator

Commercial Law for Non-Lawyers


Assets of legal interpretation and writing legal memos

Managing claims from contractors and consultants legal

The integrated program of Legal Affairs

Managing the claims from contractors and consultants legally

Understanding FIDIC’s Standard Form of Contract

Technologies and best practices in the formulation analysis and audit contracts


Means of conflict resolution in the engineering and construction contracts

Modern tools to investigate irregularities with the staff and workers


FIDIC Contracts (Silver Book)

Skills of legal briefs preparation and submission to the courts -Advanced Curse

خصم خاص وعروض خاصة للمجموعات والهيئات الحكومية والمؤسسات الخاصة

للحجز و الاستفسار والمعلومات عن الدورات المختلفة يشرفني تواصلكم

Miss:Rose Ramzy
Training Coordinator
E-mail: -تم حذف االبريد بواسطة الادارة _برجاء الالتزام بقوانين المنتديات مع الشكر _الادارة -
Mob/WhatsApp: 00201010501026
Website: www.metcegy.com
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