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قديم 06-11-2016, 02:53 PM   #1
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2016
العمر: 33
المشاركات: 375
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
ناابي will become famous soon enoughناابي will become famous soon enough
افتراضي Cache Cleaner + RAM Master Booster

Have you ever encounter the following problems
Your device has become slow/laggy and freezes all the time
Your battery has started draining quicker than ever
Your device overheats and needs to cool down
You don't have space to take more pictures or install new apps
iTianz Cleaner Master is one of the best optimisation tool to Free Up Space, Boost Speed & Save Battery for your Android device.

Highlights of clean master
Clean the junk files, saving storage and erasing the tracks of privacy
RAM Booster: small widget to adapt boost RAM from anywhere
SD Card cleaner: efficiently scan and clean junk created by million apps
Advanced application manager: optimise your devices by hibernate, disable

Smart RAM Booster
The best part of the iTianz cleaner master app is a small configurable on-screen widget that places on top of any app and one-click to RAM boost. Most of Android devices come with a limited memory. Android task manager will find appropriate apps and kill low priority tasks in order to increase memory to higher priority task. Apps does not always run at an appropriate time, causing lagging especially when you launch a new app after heavily browsing web page or play 3D games. It causes a bad experience!

3 ways to boost Android device:
On-Screen Overlay Widget – Quick RAM Booster, Drag to adjust widget’s position, and tap on widget to boost anytime you want!
Boost Now – tap this button from app’s main screen
Home screen icon – one tap to boost (long-press your home screen > Widget to add RAM Booster widget)

Junk File Cleaning
The junk-creating behaviour of millions of apps has been analysed so that Clean Master can efficiently hone in on its targets (cache and residual files) with perfect accuracy. Delete cache and residual files to reclaim storage, boost speed and improve the performance of your device and SD card.

Memory Boot (RAM)
Boost your games and apps, free up memory (RAM), speed up your device and save more battery. Our 1 Tap Boost features make it easy to optimise directly from your home screen.

CPU Cooler (Fan)
Cool off your device by finding and stopping the apps that are causing it to overheat and make your battery last longer

Battery Saver (Hibernate)
Battery Saver help to analyse battery status and hibernate running apps to save power. With Battery Saver, you can stop apps that waste lots of power and extend your battery life in 1 tap.

Notification Toolbox
Gives you quick access to iTianz clean master control and its tools without having to open app. Just swipe from top to view notification window and find all the required cleaning features.

App Manager
Uninstall unwanted apps or bloatware and back up important ones. Our own Recommended section lets you find useful apps that match your interests.

History Cleaner
Clean old Messages, Call logs, Browser history, Clipboard values, Trash files, Downloaded entries to gain free space and make device run faster.

Fast cache cleaner
1-click to clean cache
Show detail internal cache and external cache
Find apps that use most cache

Quick SD Card cleaner
View SD card partitions
Scan for junk folder, large files, orphaned files
Best photo cleaner, music cleaner, video cleaner
Notify when low storage usage

Advanced application manager
Easily uninstall unused apps
Hibernate rarely used apps to save battery life
Manage apps and backup (.apk) files
Disable system apps

Thanks for using our product! Your suggestions are very much appreciated

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