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قديم 18-10-2021, 11:25 PM   #1
مبدعه الخريف
●• فاطمية متميزة •●
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2020
العمر: 34
المشاركات: 1,225
معدل تقييم المستوى: 19
مبدعه الخريف will become famous soon enoughمبدعه الخريف will become famous soon enough
افتراضي Gaming on lg premium tvs


LG OLED TVs Offer Next-level Enjoyment as First with
Dolby Vision for Gaming at 4K 120Hz Capability

LG Electronics (LG) is proud to announce that it is the first TV manufacturer to offer the ability to support coveted Dolby Vision® HDR at 4K 120Hz for gaming on compatible platforms, reaffirming its commitment to providing the best big-screen gaming experience. With enhanced gaming capabilities and convenient, user-friendly controls, LG’s premium TVs are ready to deliver sublime next-gen gaming experiences.

Firmware version 03.15.27, now rolling out, makes LG’s C1 and G1 series OLED TVs the first in the world capable of supporting incredible Dolby Vision® HDR at 4K 120Hz on compatible gaming platforms. Additional premium models in LG’s 2021 TV lineup such as OLED Z1 series, QNED Mini LED QNED99 series and NanoCell NANO99 series TVs will also receive the update in July. Additional 2021 and 2020 TV models are also being tested for Dolby Vision gaming in either 60Hz or 120Hz.

The firmware introduces another new feature to elevate the gaming experience to a new level of convenience. Available on all 2021 LG TVs equipped with Game Optimizer, Game Dashboard is a floating onscreen menu similar to the head-up display (HUD) found in many games. The feature lets users quickly see the TV’s settings and allows them to switch between different genres – Standard, FPS, RPG or RTS – without pausing the action. The dashboard also shows the status of other modes such as black stabilizer, low latency and variable refresh rate (VRR) are activated. To access more options, users can launch the Game Optimizer directly from the Game Dashboard.

Recognized as the best TVs for gaming by trusted publications and avid gamers world over, LG OLED TVs boast features that make games of any genre look incredibly smooth and play fast. With minimal lag, LG TVs deliver amazing gameplay with a level of responsiveness that can help users climb to the top of the leaderboards in their favorite next-gen console and PC challenges.

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