منتديات نور فاطمة عليها السلام - منتدى نسائي للمرأة فقط

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-   -   برنامج تنقية وتوضيح الصور Focus Magic 4.02 + نسخة محمولة (http://www.noorfatema.com/vb/showthread.php?t=99070)

مروى منصور 04-07-2016 02:57 AM

برنامج تنقية وتوضيح الصور Focus Magic 4.02 + نسخة محمولة
Focus Magic 4.02 DC 27.06.2016 + Portable



Focus Magic uses advanced forensic strength deconvolution technology to literally "undo" blur. It can repair both out-of-focus blur and motion blur (camera shake) in an image. It is the only software that can significantly recover lost detail from blurry images.

Focus Magic Features
-Photoshop Compatible
Join the tens of thousands of people who use Focus Magic as a plug-in for Photoshop from around the world (also works in other image editing programs)
- Ease of Use
For Motion Blur, select the direction and then the distance. For Out-of-Focus Blur, increase the Blur Width until the image looks the sharpest
- Forensic Strength
No other product even comes close in recovering license plate numbers from blurred images

OS : Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP (32-bit & 64-bit)





علي ولي الله 17-07-2016 03:16 PM

رد: برنامج تنقية وتوضيح الصور Focus Magic 4.02 + نسخة محمولة
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