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برنامج غلق الجهاز تلقائيا بوقت معين تحدده انت Shutter 3.8 Final
Shutter 3.8 Final http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/3281/vd1d.jpghttp://s32.postimg.org/p1bjlijbp/Act...tdown_icon.png http://store2.up-00.com/2016-05/1463283591311.png Shutter is a multi-functional scheduling utility that can automatically perform various actions including reboot, (log off, hibernate, etc.), run program, open file, sound alarm, turn off monitor, adjust volume, and more. These actions can be triggered at a specific time/date or by a number of events, such as a countdown, user inactivity, CPU usage, network activity, ping failure, low battery, size of a specific file, and other conditions. Shutter even includes a web interface that, if enabled, can be used to perform reboots and other actions remotely over the network http://store2.up-00.com/2016-04/145955341218931.png |
رد: برنامج غلق الجهاز تلقائيا بوقت معين تحدده انت Shutter 3.8 Final
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