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-   -   برنامج StudioLine Photo Basic 4.2.23 للتعديل علي الصوربحترفية (http://www.noorfatema.com/vb/showthread.php?t=96431)

مروى منصور 09-05-2016 11:05 PM

برنامج StudioLine Photo Basic 4.2.23 للتعديل علي الصوربحترفية
StudioLine Photo Basic 4.2.23



StudioLine Photo Basic is an easy-to-use yet powerful management and editing software for digital photos. Images can be imported from camera, scanner and all popular file formats. The image archive is the central database where you conveniently categorize your images and add keywords and descriptions. Standard IPTC and Exif tags are fully supported. 30 professional image tools are included to improve exposure problems, red-eye effects, color tones, etc.

StudioLine Photo Basic is an image management solution that can import your photos directly from your digital camera, scanner or your hard drive and organize them in a database that allows you to assign personal keywords, descriptions and categories. The program also includes a variety of editing tools to remove red-eye, correct exposure, adjust colors, crop images and more. Other features include export to HTML gallery, send optimized images via email, image backup, EXIF/IPTC support and more.





علي ولي الله 11-05-2016 05:29 PM

رد: برنامج StudioLine Photo Basic 4.2.23 للتعديل علي الصوربحترفية
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