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مروى منصور 19-04-2016 08:58 PM

برنامج المونتاج العملاق Corel VideoStudio Ultimate X9
Corel VideoStudio Ultimate X9


Corel VideoStudio Ultimate X8 combines the streamlined editing tools and creative power of the Pro version with 10 premium special effects apps to help you make your most ambitious projects a reality. New Audio Ducking automatically detects audio and narration to keep foreground and background sound balanced. Helpful features make it easier to manage clips, combine projects and re-use custom filters and transitions.

Get creative with new overlay objects, Video Masking, Freeze Frame and bonus effects from NewBlue. With proven 64-bit performance and support for multiple formats, including new XAVC S, VideoStudio Ultimate X8 makes it fast and fun to create movies youll love to share.

Video-editing software
- New Balance dialog & background sound automatically with Audio Ducking
- New Effects and features for breakthrough creativity
- New Easy freeze frame
- Enhanced performance and XAVC S support
- Everything in Pro, PLUS 10 premium video FX apps

Premium video FX apps
Broaden your creative horizons with an array of professional 64-bit special effects, video cleanup tools, and motion effects that deliver increased speed and power. Worth hundreds of dollars if purchased separately, this FX collection brings more quality, creativity and fun to your videosأ¢â‚¬â€‌all for just a few dollars more than the price of VideoStudio Pro



64Bit 500MB Links

علي ولي الله 13-05-2016 12:47 PM

رد: برنامج المونتاج العملاق Corel VideoStudio Ultimate X9
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