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عملاق ازلة البرامج من جذورها Smarty Uninstaller v4.4.1 تحميل مباشر
Smarty Uninstaller v4.4.1 http://s24.postimg.org/mxw6f8ohx/KAQ89.jpg http://store2.up-00.com/2016-04/145989569425341.png Powerful professional uninstall manager with intuitive and easy to use interface! Manage and completely remove Windowsآ® applications from your PC (all files, shortcuts and registry entries). Make an applications uninstall with invalid uninstaller, clean up hard drive and registry! Easy to use and modern user interface allows to comfortably work with Smarty Uninstaller! Very fast and reliable. More comfortable solution than regular Windows Add/Remove. Multilanguage support. At this time translated to 27 languages! At most cases Windows applications are very complicated. They put large number of traces to your system. Especially that refers to such things as entries in Windows Registry, Program Files and shortcuts. In general the problem lies in Uninstaller (simply, an uninstaller is the opposite of an installer. During the uninstallation, the uninstaller removes all the components which were installed) that cant properly remove all traces in Windows. http://s14.postimg.org/64gm9dwy9/ZBAz_JQe.png http://store2.up-00.com/2015-02/142309675481.png direct link DOWNLOAD http://store2.up-00.com/2016-04/145955341218931.png |
رد: عملاق ازلة البرامج من جذورها Smarty Uninstaller v4.4.1 تحميل مباشر
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